Monday, March 19, 2018

Take a Walk!

Did You Know?
Walking is one of the easiest and most convenient forms of physical activity out there. And it really pays to walk as much as you can. Walking reaps fantastic (and perhaps surprising) benefits. For example, research from the University of Exeter found that a short 15-minute walk reduced cravings for chocolate and other sugary snacks. Walking may also enhance your immune system. A 15 to 20 minute walk can trigger antibodies and white blood cells to move through your body faster, which can enable your body to detect illnesses sooner; plus, an increase in circulation may also trigger the release of hormones that “warn” immune cells of intruding pathogens.

Be Well-Inspired
One great thing about walking is that you can get up and walk almost anywhere, at any time. Indeed, even if you’re tied to a desk all day, you can get up and take a few strolls in the hallway—any steps you take count!  Remember that even just a little bit of walking may also help you from giving in to unhealthy choices and habits. So, the next time you want to raid the cookie jar, try taking a quick walk before you give in to the craving. Perhaps you’ll find that you were just bored and/or stressed and some fresh air and movement was all you truly needed.
Source: Hwajung Oh, Adrian H. Taylor. Brisk walking reduces ad libitum snacking in regular chocolate eaters during a workplace simulation. Appetite,, 2011; DOI: